On behalf of the Committee of the Seniors’ Section of Puckrup Hall Golf Club, welcome to our section.
We hope that you will enjoy our company and camaraderie and also hope you will be able to participate with us on a regular basis.
Our subscription of £10 runs from January to December in each year.
A copy of our Constitution is available if required, as is a copy of the Seniors Calendar for 2024. We have a Liability Insurance scheme in place which forms part of the £10 subscription. Again, further details may be obtained on request.


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Vice Captain Martin Dougls mdouglas@btinternet.com
Secretary Peter Goodger Peter.goodger53@gmail.com
Treasurer Bob Massingham massinghambob@aol.com
Competitions Fixtures Nick Ridley nick.ridley59@gmail.com
Competitions Fixtures John Foy johnfoy@gmail.com
Handicap Representative Matthew Lloyd matthewlloyd52@icloud.com
Competitions Committee Dave Harris daveharris@hotmail.co.uk
Competitions Committee Paul Sumner info@zeruhouse.co.za
Opens Secretary Aadel Nasrat aadel.nasrat@gmail.com